Gale Hlifka

White Plains, New York


Home Mom Dad Sisters

That's me in the lower right corner with my two sisters, older Carolyn and younger Judy, in the bedroom of our White Plains apartment. Each of us had a twin bed in a fairly large bedroom.
Our apartment was on the ground floor in the middle of the building on the right at 79 North Broadway. it was across the street from the Academy of Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic School
There was no shortage of kids in the apartment complex who were willing to to experience a variety of stuff. Rain was not something to be avoided. This gang is hanging out at our front door.
I'm not sure if this was our customary way of bathing. Were my parents so frugal that that they chose this as on way to lower water bill costs? It appears too that we kids apparenntly had a unique way of getting our hair cleaned.
This photo was taken in front of the grade school that I and my sisters attended. 'm third from the left, then my sister Judy and my sister Carolyn.
Posing on Christmas Day in front of our scrawny Christmas tree with my sister Judy on the right. I wonder if that bracelet on my left wrist was put together from some bead craft kit that was a gift. And how about that ornament on the tree that looks like it is homemade from a grocery store brown bag.
Macys had a wonderful dapartment store in White Plains on Mamaroneck Avenue. Consequently, on the Monday following Thanksgiving Day a good portion of their annual parade, sans baloons, marched down Main Street and turned South onto Broadway. My Mom and we three kids always managed to get a good viewing spot on that corner. This photo shows one of the parade's notables on his float.
My Mom was a huge fan of the Bonanza TV show. Needless to say that she was delighted when the show's stars trotted by
Each Christmas season we would make the trip from White Plains to Mount Carmal, PA to visit our grandparents Yarnall and Hook. This picture is on the staircase of my grandmother Hook's home. Squished at the top is my sister Judy, then me then my sister Carolyn. Mostly hidden behind Carolyn, not looking too pleased, is my Mom. The othters are my Aunt Ramona and my Grandmother Hook.
Maybe only Catholics wuld recognize this as a first communion photograph. That's my sister Judy on the right and my Mom and Dad in back..
I found White Plains to be a wonderful place to spend my early years as a kid. Most likely because our parents gave us the freedom to roam around as we liked and go to different places unaccompanied by an adult. there is a bit of a downside to all that freedom.... it serves as a catalyst for mischief.We earned certification as trouble makers by:
Buildig a fire so close to a garage that its existance would have ended if ouur attempt at arson had not been discovered.

Getting into unlocked parked car and proceded to

Wrote a nasty note to our nemesis, the superintendent of our apartment complex, then had second thoughts about what we did. A considerable amount of time was spent attempting to get that note out of a mail box.

Using the basement of our aparment building for puposes adults regarded as beinng unacceptable.

other lesser escapades that may require some explaining at the Pearly Gates.
Pictured is Mrs Zaccaria our neighbor, who took her kids and us to the Bronx Zoo in NYC. A perk of living close to that city.