While we were still living in the old farm house I gave birth to my third and last child, Nick Early on I developed a belief that something was wrong with his vision. It wasn't until we had him examined by an opthalmologist that my fears were confirmed. He was born sightless. I was devestated. But that devestation morphed into a resolve to see that he grew up to be as independent as possible.
As difficult as it was for me to insist that he perform functions that sighted people do without thinking, he, sometimes reluctantly, would find the spunk to do what I ask of him. As a result, because of his tremendous efforts, graduated High School and College as Valdictorian. He was a national champion in a Braille reading and writing contest, learned to play the piano, hikes over 10 miles routinely and works at a job that provides a vital service to the Ripley area community. It's easy for me to be the proudest Mom on the planet!