Gale Hlifka

Ripley, New York


Home Mom Dad Sisters

The photo above is of downtown Ripley, NY as it once was, and mostly still is. But my family and I actually lived at 5029 Miller Road on a 95 acre lot. Oour house is pictured at the left. It was mostly constructed by my husband Gene, with a some help from his adult son and me, and specialized contractors occasionally. We lived in extreme Western New York very close to Eire Pennsylvania and Lake Erie. In fact my husband grew up in Erie, became a mostly self educated engineer and established an office in Erie. Prior to moving into this house we lived in a decrepit ancient farm house on this lot for several years and ultimately demolished it.
SNOW is a dominant characteristic of the Ripley area. It averages about 100 inches a year. It's much more than a nuisance but you learn to expect it and be prepared to deal with it with proper planning. Notice our very long driveway in the photo. Needless to say it was a major challange to clear it off.
I married Gene Hlifka in September, 1997. This wedding picture depicts a much happier me then that of my first wedding.

Click here to see Gene's photos

While we were still living in the old farm house I gave birth to my third and last child, Nick Early on I developed a belief that something was wrong with his vision. It wasn't until we had him examined by an opthalmologist that my fears were confirmed. He was born sightless. I was devestated. But that devestation morphed into a resolve to see that he grew up to be as independent as possible.

As difficult as it was for me to insist that he perform functions that sighted people do without thinking, he, sometimes reluctantly, would find the spunk to do what I ask of him. As a result, because of his tremendous efforts, graduated High School and College as Valdictorian. He was a national champion in a Braille reading and writing contest, learned to play the piano, hikes over 10 miles routinely and works at a job that provides a vital service to the Ripley area community. It's easy for me to be the proudest Mom on the planet!

Click here to see Nick's stuff

My husband Gene can best be described as a building systems engineer. He was licensed in Pennsylvania and maintained an office in Erie. I kinda worked as an employee in that office doing work with a CAD computer system (Computer Aided Design), focusing mostly on electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems on blueprints for buildings. I liked the work but dealing with some customers sometimes tested my self control. The work I did was a critical component of building design plans but I did my job with confidence.